
Preperation for a better experience

Book a Session Well in Advance

Private storytelling sessions with The Raconteur is very personal and high in demand. Most of the clients advance book to continue the story. The Raconteur always tries to keep a few session for booking in short notice, but can’t guarantee.

Share Your Personal Preference

The very special experience of private and mature storytelling sessions with Racontuer is the free flow of the story and conversation. Great detail of the story is very personalised to your preference and persona. Share your details for him to prepare.

Test Your Audio Setup and Devices

Most of the storytelling conducted on Zoom audio conference. This helps you to keep your contact details private and free to receive the calls. You may be new to Zoom or a pro, but please take time to download, install and test the devices well in advance.

Eagerly Wait For the Session

Now that you have booked the dairy, arranged your audio software and setup, look forward to having an engaging storytelling conversation with Raconteur. Plan from where you want to join the session. A quiet and comfortable place will enhance the experience.

On the Day of Your Session

Join Zoom Meeting

You may expect a Reminder

As a courtesy Raconteur may send an email, text or a short discrete phone call to remind you of the booked session. Raconteur will make all effort to reach out personally, but for his professional commitment, it may his studio team member too.

Join At Least 5 min Before

We all know technology plays rookie at times, and you don’t want to waste the valuable air time with Raconteur. Join the audio session at least 5 min before the scheduled start and wait for the session to start. Keep your preferred communication channel open for any message from Raconteur.

The Raconteur

Introduce and Break the Ice

Raconteur understands the apprehension you may have on starting a private storytelling conversation with a stranger. Introduce yourself and share as many personal details you are comfortable with. Raconteur is professional and respects the expectation of mutual privacy.

Immerse and Engage

As the smooth conversations turn into timeless classics, you listen, share, immerse into the world of mature storytelling and conversation. Feel free to ask your deepest questions, own bias and toughest thoughts. As the story goes, you will enjoy the time.