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What is FableNovel Storyline

FableNovel originated from the novel idea of Raconteur, the master storyteller. FableNovel was born from the inspiration to be a personal storytelling voice and a mature storytime, targeted for English speaking global community to dial in from the privacy of their homes, office, travel stay and hotel rooms to share a brilliant moment.

Who is 'The Raconteur'

‘Racontuer’ as he is popularly known, wanted to remain as The Raconteur to all the listeners. But the pseudo name does not prevent him to be personal, affable and engaged with you during the storytelling time. On many occassions, Raconteur does reveal his true name and identity during the conversation. But request the listeners not to pressure him to reveal his true name. There will be a time when he will willingly do it…

How do I join the call

lyTechnology had made it possible to bridge Raconteur and the Listeners over the Audio-Conference bridge. Preferably Zoom.us is used as the communication platform. Almost all calls and conversation during the storytelling are recorded and privately archived for mutual reference and staying on the right side of the law.

How often the Storytelling events take place?

Most storytelling events are online. Some special events are organised around London at some remote location or large old cottage to suit the storytelling theme. Recently we also organised an event in Scotland.

The Raconteur is a senior business executive in London who’s job is to buy, turnaround and sell companies. The role and family life keep him busy. He attempts to hold storytelling evenings every Saturdays and Sundays.

If you are from a different time-zone or the London weekend late evening is not suitable, please try to book his calendar for a personal storytelling session. He is always accomodating but book early to avoid disappointment. 

How is the Privacy of my Story protected

A personal storytelling time is personal. Most of the time, the conversations are recorded for mutual reference and to remain on the right side of the law. Also, The Raconteur is a professional and maintain utmost secrecy in any information or story you share. It is as secure as sharing with your very own friend or private journal.

If on any instance the law requires to share any information, The Raconteur is bound by the law of the land to comply with the law enforcement agencies. Never had such situation arrived.

Can I request a Discount?

 Private storytelling with Raconteur is a private moment that you gift to yourself. Raconteur seeks to alway keep his private clients happy and the repeat session with long standing clients are a living testimonial of the same. Raconteur do not have any discount coupon, but there are events that he organises where open RSVP is accepted. Please signup for the newsletter and you will be updated of the forthcoming events.

Who are the typical Clients of Raconteur?

 The clients of Raconteur belong to a diverse age group, but most predominant are from 18 years to 48 years, a majority of the listeners are professionals, successful,  independent minded and socially connected. A growing percentage of clients are accomplished senior citizens.