Book Private Storytelling

The Raconteur

The Master Stroteller

The Raconteur, a storyteller of distinction, has a particular love for the human emotions and our bias towards the way we see the world, modern living and social wellbeing. Dialogue with him will leave you pondering long after you forgot you paid to speak with him.  

He works in London city in the financial district and travels the world to manage the portfolio of companies and transforming them. An Oxford graduate and an avid traveller, he weaves his knowledge and experience of the earth and its life into his tales.

Book as per mutual availability

The calendar below displays available times in your time zone to make it as easy as possible. Scroll through the available day options using the left + right arrows. Click a day that works best for you to see the exact times that are available.

When you see a time that works best for you, click it, then click “Confirm.” On the next screen, fill in your contact details + click “Schedule Event.” You’ll be able to add the time to your own calendar using the iCal, Outlook + Google links or through the confirmation email that you’ll receive.










Come and share the stories from the land beneath our feet, that live in the air we share and flow with the running rivers of the north. Revisit the places and meet the dreamers who lived, loved, worked and died on the land we tread and value today.


Enjoy the sweet tune of the music to support the conversation and the story. The stories are also occasionally mixed with background music, songs, albums to match the mood. The select music works as a great accompaniment to the story.


The Raconteur spread the talk from contemporary global politics to the groovy conspiracy theory, from theology to medieval history, comparative religion and mythology, technology and society to deep psychology and emotions.